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Latest final fantasy remake is out.  I have no P S Quintuple to apply it to, so I'll wait for the PC version again.

Also paws dont mesh with controllers.  Not even the fabled Duke from OG Xboxen.  Dust off the old nintendo powerpad maybe.  




Hehe all the floof now she just totally along for the ride, though at least he's enjoying the retro games cause I mean, who doesn't. :P Really good paneling once again including that 3/4 small from from behind and good stuff shaping up the ears into wolf ears and you sure couldn't ignore adding even more bigger beans and paws could you BR? ;)


borf mom: uh oh.. not stage 2


I love it when you do panels like the second one, they always remind me of the Ratchet TF you did which had a similar sort of panel mid-way through! Don't know what it is about them, but they always seem to scratch an itch I never knew I had!