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29 days in Feb this year.  

Work continues on Altered Mom, but I am going to make sure to take some time to get some of the bonus holiday stuff up that I never really got back to in Jan.

Also feeling the call of the HULK again.  Will delve back into the muscle pile and start in on some Ideas I've had for turning things into other things.   

Oh and another thing I-- *falls asleep* 



Gotta love the shortest month, so when you blink and it's march it's like nani


Nice dude. Actually one thing on leap years is that it seems like I always have to work on leap day.....personally I just see it as a "well it's another day". Though.....it still would be odd if you were born on one.....you have to do your birthday on the 28th and alternate to March 1st until it gets back to the 29th.