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Quills become Fuzz and the beast is reborn.

I am deep within the bowels of halloween pictures and Werewolf comics.  Lot of balls in the air, but I have not forgotten that I cant stop, wont stop.  Will post stuff for you guys to tide you over while I work in THE MINES.  

I have such sights to show you.

Ohmygod it's 6 am!





Man superstars is a game


Always happy to see more and more Werehog art. Especially when it involves shoe bursts. And 6 am? Go to sleep! You should rest. The werewolves and all will be back out waiting for you at night

Barkley Beaver

Your Werehogs are just one of the many themes that I love about your art! Look at all those delicious bulging muscles! He's such an incredible display of immense POWER. So many feats of strength to be accomplished!