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You ever fall asleep in the middle of some mundane task?  Its like Boop its 4 hours later and wtf?

I should drink more dew.

Anywhoo Our lion-ish lady is pretty well finished so its time to dive back into the well and fish something new out in a bit.  Everyone has different favorites and I dont really have any preference this time out. 

Sooo, its probably gonna be a pretty wild selection this time out.  

wow, One Piece sure is flashy these days.  I see they hired the cube guy to explode everything into cubes.

*Explodes into cubes and flashing lights*




I love the Great strong panther paws.

Thicc uwu boi

meow! love big paws and thick beastie legs!~~ interesting enough, my college has large mountain lion paws all over the place! i wonder what would happen if i were to step on one...