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Been a while since I posted a general update.  

Work continues on Krystal. There are 11 left planned out, may add a bridge to possible part 2 in one of my dreaded cliffhangers.

My update schedule has been a lil inconsistent lately and Im working to correct that.  Also will be more open to posting things not related to the main comic more often.  I realize that not everyone might be into the main event and they take a long time to get through,  I dont like thinking that I'm leaving people out of the fun if muscular dino-foxes arent their jam.  Also I often have random Ideas that I kinda put aside because I "have" to get that main update ready.  I do NOT want big projects to turn into a chore.  That's fun for nobody.  

Also being less regular with my updates has lost me some patrons.  I try to never look at the numbers as they fluctuate minute by minute and that way lies madness,  but as Im still trying to move and this site is by FAR my largest source of income, So I have to be more responsible and vigilant.

Also gotta make that Pixiv page. *extends reach*

Speaking of moving.  Ive been apartment hunting on Zillow and now they email me things they think I'll be "interested" in and wow its super depressing when they send you a listing for like.. a house down the street and its some burned out hovel *shudder*


Did you ever notice that "Girls just wanna have fun" has maybe 20 seconds of lyrics and 3 minutes of chorus?  Ive been in a 80's hole building up my music collection.  Compilations on youtube all seem to have the same songs on them.  And some of these tracks are from the 90's thank you very much.

Anyway, anyway.

Going to get some sleep and work on page 9 for Sundays update.  Perhaps brainstorm some "Merch" ideas.  How do you guys feel about "merch"? (god i hate that word.. it feels gross to say in my mind-voice)  WTF would I even make lol? 

Oh, also got new RAM for birthday last month.  its RGB!   Please ignore the ugly cables.  Ive got a powered USB card and hiding those cables is... ugh. 




BR Swag doesn't sound like a bad idea. If I remember correctly, you had a merch store way back when too anyway. Also, I second the suggestion made earlier of setting up a Discord server and you could limit it to Patrons-only. I see a lot doing that.


Yeah I remember that old... store on that site who's name escapes me. It never really did much. Think I made a total of 38 dollars ever from that. Discord has come up a couple times. I'll think on it. Im not much of a talker tho, and I have no Idea how discord actually works lol. But I'll think about it.


I'd definitely buy merch, art prints and printed comics would be really cool.