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Heyo!  Shadow Rat (and/or Alternate Rat) here.  Hope everyone's doing alright!  Just wanted to jump in real quick, and let everyone know that BR is recovering from being sick.  With us drawing ever closer to the holidays and winter months, is fam tends to show up a lot more.  This year they seem to have the uh... Wonderful tendency to bring him "gifts".  "Gifts" like doom virus and now the flu.  

He's getting better, but is still super snuffly.  While I make sure he gets some decent rest (aka hurling him onto the mattress every time he falls asleep at the work desk), I can think of a couple things to share.  Just a little Thanksgiving snack while we wait for him to pull the beast feast out of the oven.  One some of you may recognize, and another I've never posted before.



I am so glad Shadow Rat stuck~ I love it hehehe. Just hope black rat gets better soon~ wishing him all the love and health!


Wishing him well thanks shadow


Poor guy can't catch a break

Anime Guy

Dam the flu and doom virus. I hope he feels better soon.


Lol! He likes A-Rat, buuuut I gotta admit, the whole shadow rat thing tickles me to no end :V


Wait, so Shadow-Rat is, like, Black-Rat's gf?