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Both Halloween and our 2nd year anniversary are pending in October.  

Woo, 2 years and I haven't managed to screw everything up yet!  

Pending things for Octoboo:

1. Random Halloween stuff.  Expect something cute and stupid for Spooky day/month.  Maybe multiple things if i have thyme.

2. Continuing on Wuffs.  Wuffs will continue through the month of oct.  wolf paws everywhere.. cant get away.

C. Pokemon!!  Sometimes, when you should be working on other stuff, you just have no mojo.  To combat this, I have doodled and began to color many singular pokemon transformations.  These serve as both practice, and a way to keep me from staring at a blank page for hours.  They have become LEGION in the margins of "official" work and will begin to leak out upon the world randomly.

Keep an eye out for weird things I might post weirdly, and thanks for sticking around for 730-ish days.



Has it really been two years?!?? :O


That's crazy it's been 2 years already! Wolf paws!!!! 👀

Eric Young

Wolf paws and converse sneakers wonderful love it

Eric Young

Him orange sweatpants on one of those wolfers to represent Halloween pumpkin sweatpants


Hell yea let's go, yo Mr Rat any interest in the melty blood


Nnnnot really? I have so many fighting games. So, so many. I did like old school melty but it's been forever since I played and getting into another fighter on top of the 20+ I already dont give enough attention to? I dunno.


It is a spooky month!