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Holy hell you guys.  That doofus friend on mine has been urging me to buy one of those Portillos Italian beef kits they ship around the US.  Finally broke and ordered a pak.  Eight.
Eight sandwiches.

THEY'RE SO BIG.  THEY'RE SO BEEFY.  THEY'RE SO- that's what she said when she looked at her own paws!

Now tho, now I'm paying the price.  I've doomed myself to the ultimate itis attack.  It's crushing me so hard, I legit can barely keep my eyes open.

BUHHHH.  C'mon Keanon, you got this.

Just have to hit send on this.  Hit send and th- zzzzGAH

Hope you all are having a good weekend.  I'm gonna have to resist eating these every day, otherwise there's no way I'm going to be able to get the page out next week.  My friend is such a doofusszzzzz.




Real good page dude. Good paneling and color and expressions.


Englsh language byebye, Hyena language hello