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這是採用RPG MV開發的大型RPG游戲,正傳八章外加“自由世界模式”(包括各種主線劇情和支線劇情的冒險任務和H事件),無論劇情還是CG數量都很豐富!有各種冒險也有花樣繁多的性愛!還融合了東方和西方的魔幻元素!



The game is an Epic RPG adventure set in a magic world. It is made with RPG MV and the main plot line will consist of eight chapters so rest assured there will be plenty of quests/side quests in both traditional and sexual nature; a good amount of sex CGs and more sexual encounter in every perverse way you can imagine! 

Our heroine of the story is a spirited bi-sexual dragon-born princess. Her travels brought her to a foreign land gripped by an insidious plot with a dark purpose, she must gather her allies and defeat the ultimate evil, using her sword, her wits, and of course her insatiable body. Throughout her adventure there will be many chances to satisfy her lust with selection of men and women, that’s for you to decide.

Apart from the H content and main plot line, there’re many side quests too. Some even affects the ending to some extent. Only by making the right choice will you arrive at the end game and achieve the True Ending of the story. 


其次,本作除了常見的打怪昇級之類玩法,還加入“鍛造”、“使魔”、“妖精偵查”、“背刺暗殺”、 “H戰鬥”、“精氣采補”、“賭場”、“競技場”等等趣味!當然少不了多彩的換裝,可在非限定著裝的場合自由換裝!




There will be 2 more playable female characters join our heroine’s adventure; each will have their own unique story and H scenes; their fates are closely related to our heroine. Other than that, all characters that make appearance whether friendly or hostile will have their own quirks and personalities.

We try to introduce more ways to play the game than traditional RPGs’ kill and move on then repeat model. So we added item upgrading, familiar summoning, a scouting stage, stealth and assassination, H combat, sperm/Ki storage system, casino and arena, with it comes an array of changeable outfits which you can choose to change into freely outside plot scenes.

We plan to craft several cosplay outfits, all of them will have unique stats, and we’ll make them as enticing as possible, each female character will have a set so you will not miss out anything. Some H quests will require your characters to wear specific cosplay outfits.

There’re also challenging but not daunting dungeons to be explored, there will not be any unnecessarily complicated puzzles to solve, (we detest that), so more time will be spent on character building and advancing the main plot.

Moreover, a user-friendly tutorial will be blended into the game’s chapter 1-3. The main story will only unfold in chapter 4; each chapter will consist of plot stage and a free roaming stage. There will be plenty of chance to beat up monsters and enjoy sex.

if you like  mighty heroine ,maybe you can try this game:)




By the way, I'm making this game with WOLFEQ. He take the 40% profit of this game's Patreon (I also take 40%, and the rest 20% for English translation). You support me as well as support WOLFEQ.


请问为什么 玩才几分钟就画面卡住了? 关了再开一样情况

