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이건 정말 29금이라.. 블러를 걸 수 밖에 없음. 이거 안하면 플렛폼에서 제제들어오고 쫓가남 ㅠ 에휴 슬퍼. / I had to blur my booty part since it is just too naughty. If otherwise, I would've got emails to remove this post. (아 3개 영상 모두 소리 있는데 소리 잘 들리죠? The videos that I upload here today,. they all got sound. Can you guys hear it properly?)

검로드쪽 멤버십에선 소리 잘들린다 하눈데... 훔 ㅠ
I was told the sound works fine at Gumroad membership side.



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