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저는ㅇㄴ를 보통 혼자해요. 처음엔 혼자나갔다 나중에 혹시? 무슨일 있거나 급하게 떠나고 싶을 땐 친구를 불러요. 제 친구는 헬창 친구라 남자가 와도 (여자지만) 저를 지켜줄 수 있는 좋은 친구거든요 ㅎㅎ 

이번에도 처음 나간건 혼자였어요. 그러다 저를 계속 쫓아왔던 외국분이 계셨고 그분이 계속 관심을 보여서 그분과 이야기 좀 하고 ㅇㄴ를 그분과 진행했어요. 지금 올리는 것들은 그에 관한 것들과 에피소드에요 :)

I usually to this outdoor art exhibition alone. I first go out alone but whenever there is anything happens or if in a case where I want to leave the place immediately, I call my friend who is although a female, she is a fitness model thus, she can protect me from any kind of harm. 

Anyways, I went out alone this time and there was a guy followed me expressing a deep interest in me. I talked to him shortly and this package series is what happened while I was out with him and the convoluted lewd stories on that night. Hope you would enjoy :) 


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