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as I've set the poll about what you think about increase the price on Nice egg reward from 5$ to 8$. 

I'm just learn that I can't do that while it have supporter. that was my mistake. so I think what should I do to fix this and it don't seems like I'm cheated you.

so, I added the new tier Super Nice Egg (8$) for you to get all of my reward month 

and edit Nice Egg tier (5$) to get only 2 set CG reward month

- please edit your pledge if you want to get all of my reward 

I hope this will fix the problem and fair for you guys. I've try my best to run the patreon even if I can't do it perfect and my english wasn't that great. 

I'm really grateful if you understand about this. thank you very much!

love you all so much♥


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