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Here's all the stuff I've been working on over the past few weeks, I hope you like it!

Like I mentioned before, the forest scenes are the ones I usually end up enjoying most after I'm done with them, so I'm glad I did this one. Water nymphs are always fun too. :) I'm looking forward to painting the next piece!

Here are the download links for the rewards:
WIP images
Short time lapse video
Long time lapse video
PSD files 

And I did a few other rough sketches and doodles, I hope you like those too!

It's also been a little while since I share some brushes for Paintstorm Studio, so I've attached a set of those as well (they're not compatible with other software as far as I know, sorry about that!). I always feel it's worth mentioning that I keep changing my brushes all the time, so don't think of them as "the brushes Calm uses" necessarily. They're just the ones I happen to be using recently and aren't fine tuned or anything, so don't be afraid to change them! How brushes are used is far more important than exactly what the brushes are like. :)

Thanks for your support, I appreciate you. :)



Ciarán M

Well, before even getting to the main painting, I have to lavish some attention on your "sketches and doodles" (I still don't feel right calling them that 😹) Sketch 2 makes me very happy! That purple background is beautiful and the girl you've painted is utterly stunning. I love the textured, painterly look of her hair, face and skin. The criss-cross outfit that wraps over her chest and framed her breasts is super sexy, as are those big nipple-piercings. Her blue eyes are so striking and her freckles and little nose are cute as hell. The way cool colours start to blend into her skin from below is also a really nice contrast to the warmer tones above. Suffice to say, I'd definitely love to see more of her! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Doodle 2 looks terrific too. I really like the hatch/cross-hatch shading on the drawing and that pose is so good with the arched back, foreshortened body and the movement of her legs. While the painted lady has such vibrant, warm colours, with the dark shadows giving her such great volume. The breasts in particular are gorgeously painted. I'm guessing Sketch 1 is going to be developed into the next full illustration, so I'll leave that one be. Suffice to say though, it's looking great so far! Finally, to the main painting! 😅 Looks like Luke is enjoying a visit to some water nymphs and he sure seems to be working his way through them all! I'm guessing that lady at the front is the aftermath, with that other lady graciously helping to clean her up 😹 The background here is absolutely beautiful. I love how it's mostly comprised of cool greens, blues and greys, all being warmly lit from above by the sun, while also having the warm tones of brown earth at the edges of the water. Suffice to say, the colours contrast so wonderfully with each other. As always, you've packed in an incredible amount of detail and texture. I really like the twisting trees and how one of them is even glowing green due to the nearby water. The rocks look great and the greenery growing over them looks lovely too. The water is so very textured, with the different green hues looking gorgeous. All in all, this scene is absolutely stunning and I just adore how well you paint natural environments, you really make them look so appealing and fantastical 😸 As for characters, there's quite a few... And since I did spend so much time on the sketches/doodles, I will skip some stuff, just so this already long comment doesn't go nuclear 😅 I do have to say that Luke looks terrific, love the painterly textures and definition of his muscles. The expression on his friends face is really nice too and I love the tease of how we don't actually see her nipples or between her thighs, while the way her hair falls and drapes over her is lovely. Looking at the main two in the foreground, well, what I just said about Luke's newest partner also applies to the lower lady here. I love her pose, with the arch to her back and the way her hair sinks down, spreading out across her skin, with naughtier parts hidden from us for a lovely tease. The way the water wraps around her body, also running across her lower back looks great, framing her lovely bum as it rises out of the water. Her hair has so much detail to it with the strands falling across her face and the braid that wraps around her head and I just love the purple tones mixed into her ears and face, looking so vibrant along with the blues and greens of her skin and hair 💜💙💚 And of course, the textures of her skin and body are beautiful and I really love all of the interlocking anatomy/muscles of her neck, traps, shoulder and arm. I don't know what it is, but those kinds of interactions are something I just find so appealing to see, especially in your art style. The other Nymph looks absolutely stunning! I love the curving motion of her body as she leans back, opening herself up to the warm sun as it shines down on her. The colours look incredible, with her brightly lit breasts and stomach contrasting with the cooler blues of her face and arm. You even have orange tones mixing into her bum where it comes into contact with the earth, details like that are things that I love! 😻 The strands of hair that wrap over and cling to her face look super sexy to me, same with how it runs across and frames her breasts. Her smile is so beautiful and adorable and the purple lips and eye make-up just make her look extra stunning to me 💜💜 Her breasts and mid-section have such great volume to them too, thanks to the warm light from above and the shadows wrapping around them. The pink-purple of her nipples and naughty bits down below are great choices too, definitely making those areas stand out. Absolutely beautiful work on this piece! It's so vibrant, with such a welcoming, warm atmosphere and packed to the brim with detail, both to the environment and the characters! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


absolutely love the girl-girl attention!


Holy moly. another thing to learn from your artwork. I'm excited to watch more videos from you


GOAT as always *wipes sweat*


I'm glad you're excited for it, Kopianget! Hopefully they're useful!


Thank you, Kite. 😄 I always enjoy seeing your work too!


Do you not record these cool doodles?


Ideally I would, but when I start recording something it kinda puts me into the mindset of "I need to do this properly and sit here and work for a few hours" which is in some ways good for the main illustrations, but the experimental doodles and sketches are often the result of impulsive ideas I quickly try just for fun, where I have the freedom to stumble around and fail. If I felt like I was committed to recording those too, it would be a bit more constricting on that process than I'd be comfortable with. :)


Would it help to relieve the pressure if you started recording, did something else long enough to "forget" the recording is happening, then start sketching?


That would still require me to plan that work ahead a bit, when what I really need is to be able to just jump over to the work computer and quickly start doodling those impulsive ideas as they come. 😅 To be fully honest, I do feel that recording things is a little bit detrimental to my creative process in general, on the main series illustrations as well. It limits what tools and techniques I feel I can use because I always have it in the back of my head that what I'm doing needs to be understandable to the viewers from start to finish. But so far I've been willing to make that trade-off and record those illustrations, and I would like to try to continue doing that. Just not every little doodle and sketch. :)


Love the sketches of the blue-haired girl, hope to see more of her.


Is there any special reason why you stopped doing the sketch -> value -> color, process and now are going diretcly to coloring instead?




Outstanding. So much to love here. I especially love the way you captured the tongue sliding up the other nymph's torso. So evocative.


This made my day sssoooo much better!

John Storm

So lovely paintings 😊


It's so hard to choose, but I really think this is my favorite work of yours to date. The overall composition and the vibrant colors are just *chefs kiss*.

Collen Prewett

Started a couple small projects using your workflow and had fun. Been pretty stuck in lineart on top layer for a bit. Anyway thanks :)


That's awesome! I hope it has helped you figure out more about what works well for you. :)