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Hello! The previous piece was a very painterly piece compared to a lot of my other illustrations, and I had fun with that for a while and learned some useful things from it, but I think I got that painterly style out of my system for now, lol. So here's an illustration that returns to a style that is a bit more sharp and refined like I've done in the past.

Like I've probably mentioned multiple times in the past, I often think about which style I enjoy most for erotic illustrations, and I think the direction of this is better for me personally.

I hope you guys like it too!

I also added some other recent drawings here. The half orc drawing was something I made to accompany a D&D character my friend encouraged me to make. He's haunted by a horny chaotic evil spirit who enjoys trying to influence him to lose control, lol. I've put the layered PSD file for that drawing in the attachments here if you wanna check that out.

And I finally made a new avatar too! It was about time. I'm always tempted to add even more detail to stuff, but I tried to resist that and kept it very simple so it reads well at the small avatar size. You can check out the PSD for that too if you want.

I also wanna say it's nice to see so many of you on the new Discord server. Over 400 of you joined so far despite not even being able to talk there lol, that's pretty cool! If you haven't joined already and you'd enjoy that way to get notified when I make new stuff, maybe check it out. :)




phenomenal work as always mr calm!!

Ciarán M

Firstly, I like Half Orc painting, the hint of the blue spirit woman is very nice and you captured that ethereal feel to her very well 😸 As for the main painting, maybe I've been misusing the word "painterly" all along, because it still looks painterly to me 😹 I always used it to mean having visible brush strokes and not always using smooth blends between tones. Either way, I'm very happy with the lovely work that you've created here! 😻😻😻 The whole scene is just so incredibly vibrant and warm, with the golden-blonde, tanned elf ladies being especially beautiful here 💛 I really like the background, with the silhouettes of the outside, with soft green tones but an overall warm feel to it still. The stone pillars/walls have great texture to them and I enjoy the strong contrast in light and shadow across them. The golden curtains look so nice too, with the gradient from shadows to light as well as the deep, rippling folds. I always enjoy the extra details that you put into a scene. In this instance, you have the pouch with it's coins spilling out on the little table in the foreground and it seems like both ladies have noticed it too. I also like how much of their jewellery seems to be golden coins fashioned into necklaces and... waist-laces? Not really sure what to call those but I do love them 😹😻 All of the characters are posed really well here. I like how on the left, both the man and elf are very foreshortened, with lady's hands trailing over his skin. I like the teasing view of the woman, with most of her body hidden from us, except for a peek at the curves of her butt. Her golden hair looks gorgeous as it spreads and meanders out over her shoulders and her blue eyes look so distinct against her warm, vibrant tones, particularly with the red blushing on her cheeks. On the man, the strong contrast in warm light and shadow is very striking. I like the edge-lighting on his calf and the divide in light and shadow running down his thigh, with that bright shine spot on the thigh too. With his hand, I especially like the warm, reddish tones blended into the shadows on the hand and fingers. For the lady, the way her face is rendered is so well done and you did a great job with how her mouth/lips extend and wrap around... you-know-what 😹 All of the textures and tones of her skin are beautiful and I like the warm edge-light across her shoulder and arm. All of those plane changes where her trap, collarbone and shoulder interact with each other look terrific too. As for the other two, I do enjoy the smirk on that guys face and the lighting across him is great too. Again, the contrast between light and shadow is really well done. But the star of the show for me has to be the right lady... hoo boy, she is something else! 😻😻😻😻😻 I just adore her pose, very dynamic with the nice S-curve to her and foreshortening as she leans forward. The twist adds even more to her elegant, sensual feel. I love her ample breasts, super sexy and shapely, beautifully rendered and the medallion sinking between them is an extra fun, sensual detail. The very large areolas just make them look even more lovely too. I really like how her thighs are closed together, accentuating the roundness of her hips. My favourite part has to be how one of the coins on her waist accessory sinks between her thighs, acting as an additional teaser for that area 😻😻😻 Her hair too is beautifully rendered, her face and expression are terrific and all of the anatomical details and rendering for her neck, chest and shoulders are fantastic! The lighting across her is beatiful and all of the rendering, textures and lighting for the many golden accessories on both women are so satisfying 💛 Absolutely fantastic work on this piece! The colours are so divine and vibrant and I just love how sexy, sensual and teasing the ladies are, with right lady being particularly alluring to me 😻💛 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Well something sure is getting “painted” in there!


Calm Has Spoken, BUY ALL THE GOLD


Awesome as always. Each time your work is more and more attractive

Ron Sogers

Love your stuff, the style is fun and seeing an evolution of your art is very enjoyable to watch. I've always found the key aspect of your style is that all the subjects are having fun.

Wild Bill

Those elves are really hot. I love darker skinned elves, and I love gold makeup.


Thank you! I do try to make sure my characters look like they're enjoying themselves, so I'm always glad when people point that out. :)


Gerudo vibes

John Storm

Hi, great stuff as always 😘

Deka Tomni

It's amazing! How long does it take you to make one drawing?


Thank you! The main illustrations are typically around 50 hours or so. Sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit less. Depends a lot on what I'm drawing too. Complex scenes can be up around 60 hours.