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Hey guys! Here's the latest illustration! You can download the attachment to see the alternate version. I hope you like how this one turned out. :) The reward packs will be sent out in about a week from now.

While making this, I made an effort to resist the urge to zoom in at all for large portions of the process, and I feel like it's something I wanna keep doing. It helped me maintain a better focus on what the full picture looks like, how the composition and lighting works as a whole, instead of getting distracted by details too early on. Try it out for yourself. It might help you too! :)

The current poll is also ending very soon, so make sure you've gotten your vote in, and also look out for the new poll coming up!




It wasn't the one I voted for, but damn it looks hot ;)


Even more so for the alternate version :P


great work =]


I love how you made different facial expressions for the alternate version. ^^

Ciarán M

Oh wow, I was looking forward to this one and you definitely didn't disappoint :D. Reading your description about how you kept zoomed out so you could keep a better focus on the overall painting, it has clearly worked very well, I love the overall composition, angle and perspective-work on display here and was initially taken aback (in a good way) by how fantastic the background is :). The level of detail in everything is incredible and I really like the overall colours, the warm tones of the characters, the vibrant greens which even have an effect on the colouring of the them which is a great touch. The poses and anatomy of the pair and how they're lit look truly fantastic with an insane level of detail :D, I really like the outward curving of the guy's back and the forward flow of his legs, similar to the lady's legs except with her it's the inward curve of her back that I really like, as well as how she clutches at the curtains (the lighting and folds of the curtain looks amazing). One detail that I really appreciate is how the two actually look at each other with smiles, really makes it look like they enjoy each other, her messy, raven hair swept to one side, strands falling around her with that lip bite looks wonderfully sexy :D. I could go on for a very long time about why this painting is so brilliant so I'll stop here XD and say once again, absolutely, stunningly magnificent work :D (maybe it was in the thumbnail and I had just forgotten in the meantime but damn, I didn't know they were doing butt-stuff :O... Naughty ;) )


I figured I'd try that this time, and I think it worked out pretty well without having to do too much extra work. I'm glad you like it. :)


Thank you, I'm glad to hear you like it that much! :D


Love the facial expression in this one. Everyone seems to be enjoying sex in your art. I like that.


Ciaran said it all. There is now something really more vibrant in your picture, they are definitely exquisite.


Absolutely stunning, Calm! I don't think I can add anything beyond what Ciaran already said, though I especially agree that the expressions in this piece are really, really good. They add a great interaction that really amplifies the sexiness of this piece :D


Quick question: What perspective tool you used when you've started. I see the 'rays' from the perspective script but it seems like you're using also a different tool, am I wrong?


I used a combination of the Perspective Tool v2 plugin for Photoshop and the perspective drawing tools in Corel Painter where your brush can snap to perspective. I assume the latter is what you were seeing. :)