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WIP images   Short time lapse (45m)   Long time lapse (7h 30m)   PSD file 

I hope you're all spending some quality time at the beach this summer!

I keep drawing beach scenes, which I suppose is ironic considering I spend most of my time indoor, lol. I should get my ass outside more. 😄

I had fun making this picture! The colors in particular worked out how I wanted them to, and I'm getting very comfortable using Hard Light and Soft Light layers to add colors to values and for lighting scenes. It feels good to have a workflow I feel confident in.

And thank you everyone for all the nice birthday messages last month, I really appreciate them. You're all great! :)




Paradise ? 🤤😎💙


your backgrounds are beautiful. I would like to see more how you draw rooms ʕノ)ᴥ(ヾʔ


It's been a while since I've done any pictures with architecture, so that might be fun to revisit sometime soon :)