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Hey! Here's a hot and messy one. I hope you like it! I've developed a healthy appreciation for throat bulges recently, so I'm glad so many of you voted for it, and I think it'd be fun to paint more of it sometime. :)

The rewards for this illustration will be sent out on July 7.

I also hope you've enjoyed June. It's been an emotional roller coaster of a month for me, which is very unusual, so I hope July returns to the stability I'm used to so I can focus a bit more easily on painting stuff. I'm confident it will, and I hope it'll be a good month for you guys too! I'll hopefully have some new sketches prepared in a few days too. It always feels good to return to sketching after finishing a piece.

Thank you for supporting me, you're all great!




I sure do love throat bulges like this one 😍


Calm can't keep getting away with it. THIS IS SO GOOD

Simon Delott

This is SPECTACULAR. One of my favorite pieces that you've ever done, which is saying a lot.


Throat bulges are fantastic, I've glad you've developed a healthy appreciation for them :P Absolutely gorgeous work, Calm! Instantly signed up for this one :D


Amazing work. The penis on the left guides the eye to that gorgeous throat bulge.


Awesome throat bulge


You’re a god wtf


😱 Amazing!!!

Ciarán M

Hoooo boy... there's just so much purple! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Suffice to say, immediately love the colour scheme here! And there's very nice contrasts too with the warm skin tones of the top woman, which also work really nicely with her black collar and hair, as well as the blue earring and flower. The whole background really adds to the sensual atmosphere too, I feel. Purple is a very sexy colour which helps of course, but I also feel like the pink candle flames with their wisping smoke adds to the overall feel too. I love the lighting and rendering with the flames tinting the candles pink. The purple-blue fabric looks gorgeous too and is rendered beautifully with rippling folds and clear contrasts in light and dark tones. Since we're so zoomed in, we don't see much if the surroundings, however this environment is so gorgeous with these colours that is actually one of my favourites of yours, thanks to the colours, lighting and textures. As for the characters, well for one of these lucky men we do only see his ding-dong so let's start there! 😹 Well you've done a great job with it, the overall shape and volume looks terrific, has a shiny texture to it and I like the vibrancy of the colours as it grows more pink towards the tip. The purple edge lighting also looks really good against the shadows. The other man is great too, I particularly like his abs where the shadows perfectly sculpt and define his muscles. I also really like the thigh where we can see that warm pink tone tinting the skin. And his arms, particularly his right, have a great deal of detail with the bulging veins and I just love the warm pink lighting against the dark shadows that make it all pop. Looking now at the lovely ladies, the more pale purple girl has such a beautiful skin colour (I'm not biased at all 😹). I especially enjoy how her shoulder is tinted a more vibrant pink, with the colour also being tinted by bounce lighting from the material underneath it, an excellent detail! All of the anatomy that we see of her is so well defined and she has such wonderfully smooth textures that make her look especially sexy and appealing. Her warm, vibrant pink nipple is particularly striking and I love the details with the little shine spots and the edge lighting and cast shadows on and underneath the nipple. Her shiny pink lip looks wonderfully luscious too and I really like the smooth colour and tone gradients of her face, with the bright colours of her jaw separating the face from the neck very well. And like with the shoulder, I do enjoy how her ear is also being tinted by the colour of the sheet. Her jewellery looks so lovely too, particularly the arm band with all of it's details, grooves and patterns that curl twist and overlap. The gold being tinted pink and purple along the edges is great contrast too that really accentuates it's shapes. And then we have the other lady and god I do adore her hair! It's really well detailed with strands overlapping, splitting off and weaving together. The lighting is gorgeous with lore neutral brighter tones directly around her face, but tinted pink on the bun, making it look more vibrant. And damn... the strands curling about her face make her look extra, extra sexy! 😻😻😻😻😻 I also love the blue flower which you've also done a terrific job on, making all of the petals look distinct and overlapping. The blue earrings is really nice too with it's shiny texture and being tinted by the warm colours of her skin. Her face too is beautiful and so well rendered with it's smooth blending of colour and tone. I particularly like her purple eye makeup and the shining textures of the lips and tongue. All of the rest of her body and skin tones are so vibrant too. I love the cool purple edge lighting mixed into the shadows along her shoulder and back, creating a gorgeous contrast and accentuating her features there. Likewise the definition of her elbow is really well done with all these interlocking shapes and plane changes, with a nice pink mixing into the skin tones. And much like the earring, her arm bangle has this really nice texture and that warm pink line along the edge really makes the plane changes pop. And I do recognise this dark haired lady from at least one previous painting. I fell in love with her there and I am so glad to see her return! I'd definitely love to see her again! Maybe she could be introduced to Luke? I know he normally ends up with more... unconventional, non-human ladies, but I'm sure a meeting between him and this raven-haired beauty would look incredible! 😉😻 Once again, you've created a truly beautiful work of art with these colours and lighting delivering a magical, sensual atmosphere that I adore 💜💙 (Warm pink lighting and cool purple together are perfect!) Despite the length of this comment, I've actually skimmed a lot of it, which just shows how much you've managed to pack into this scene! Well done, you should be proud of this one! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


This is amazing!!! I couldn't say it any better than Ciarán had put it. This just might be my all time favorite piece you have made yet!

Ciarán M

Thank you! And extra thank you for including the "fada" in my name, I definitely appreciate that! 😸 The colours and lighting in this painting are just so good, gives it such a great atmosphere that really enhances just how sexy it all is. Suffice to say, definitely worthy of being an all time favourite 😸

John Storm

Hello, that's how we know calm, superb quality as always. The scene is very interesting. Many Thanks. 😊

Griffin Barrows

Hot concept, licking that throat bulge! Also, though -- some appreciation for the veins on the lefthand dude. Wow, that's... rich and amazing 😍


Thanks! Dicks are very convenient compositional tools. :)


Thank you, Ciarán, I'm very glad you like it! I figured you'd enjoy all the purple in this one, haha. And I'm glad to hear you recognize her. You're right, maybe I should introduce her to Luke sometime. That could be fun!


Truly beautiful!


Hey calm great work as always, just curious, which software were you painting on this time?


Thank you! These days I typically do my thumbnail sketches in Photoshop, and then paint the illustration in Paintstorm Studio. And then I do some final adjustments in Photoshop at the end. The reason I do it that way is because I enjoy the brush engine in Paintstorm a lot more than the one in Photoshop, so I try to use the strengths of each software. :)


Was wondering if the dark-haired lady with the blue flower has a name because I've seen her in multiple of your works, Calm.


I have a bunch of characters that sometimes show up in my work, and she's one of them. Some of the characters have names and some of them don't yet. I'm unfortunately not great at coming up with names. 😅 Her name is one of the ones I'm a little bit on the fence about still.