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Hey, here's the next poll! The previous poll had only older sketches, so this time around it's more recent or brand new ones. I hope you like them! You can vote for multiple ones if you like.

The results of the previous poll were super close, only two votes apart! Hopefully we'll get a clearer winner this time, because I like to know most of you are happy with the results. :) And to those of you who were cheering for the runner up last time, and have been for a long time, I know it must be a bit disappointing to see it just barely lose again, but I'm starting to run out of old good sketches that it'll go up against, so I'm very confident in its chances in next month's poll!



Ciarán M

Holy cow, just a two vote split! Now that is close 😹 While it was the one that I voted for that came in second, I'm not disappointed at all as the winner would have been my second choice 😸 As for this poll, very cool selection of thumbnails. Number 2 is my favourite though early projections don't favour it 😹 Not to worry though, the current winners (1 and 3) are excellent, sexy choices 😉😻


With so many fantastic blowjob images from Calm already I really really hope #1 will win this, purely on such a dynamic and fresh composition

Simon Delott

I want all of these so much!!!


Damn, #1 is incredible hot! I need this artwork in my life! :D


1 and 3look fantastic.


I'm so glad we can vote for multiple options bc honestly this is a real sophie's choice


I love 1 and 2 but 1 has my vote!


I agree. Seeing that one, I was like...that's different. :)


These polls are SO LOVELY CALM!!!!!!


1 & 2 look amazing! Love!


hmmm... I think im having dejavu... The tally for both thumbnail 1 and 3 are very close. At this point only two votes seperate them. Reminds me of another recent poll with veeeerryyyy similar results lol... OR has Calm somehow managed to subliminally make us vote for 1 and 3 regardless of the thumbnail 🤣

Griffin Barrows

Woof yeah, get it, Luke! Attaboy 💪🏼

(╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻

- sees major variants having only two votes apart - switches the own vote to make them equal - "perfectly balanced, as all things should be"


Woo dat ass in #2


Gotta go with 1 in this one.


3 or 1 tough call, but number 1.


"Hopefully we'll get a clearer winner this time" LOL


Man, number 2 is my fav too! I would love to the male pleasuring the females in other ways than just using his dick.