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It's time for a new poll again! Find the thumbnail sketches below that you feel have potential to become cool illustrations and give them a vote. You can vote for multiple ones if you want, or just one, it's up to you. I hope you like your options!

If you'd like to know which illustration will be coming up next while this poll is running, check the results of the previous poll. I was happy to see it wasn't a tie again!




I'll never stop voting for number 6. Not until the day I die.


Me too. Sadly the one I really one has been removed from polls :( ( Number 6 from https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-for-66-30831135 )


Man was really hoping for thumbnail 3


Oh wow, love the pose in 1

Ron Sogers

We will get #6 some day lol


My thoughts exactly. It's had my vote since the first time it was on here

Simon Delott

I can always tell which one will get the most votes because it's usually the one that I don't even give a second glance. It is my curse.