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Here's the new poll:


I'm doing the poll a little bit different this time. I was made aware of how easy it was to manipulate the results of the polls in the past, so I'm switching to using Google forms for the polls.

It does require that you log in with a Google account because that's how it checks if you've already voted or not, but, as far as I can tell, your vote still remains anonymous, in case that's something you're worried about.

Also, in the past it has seemed like you guys just vote for one of the two thumbnails with the most votes, so this time I'm gonna hide the poll results. Hopefully, not knowing the results will make you vote for the one that's genuinely your favorite instead. :)




Does this mean that the results for Poll #17 don't count?


The results do count, and I've already started working on the picture that won poll #17. :) I have daily live streams over at picarto.tv/Calm if you're interested in following the progress.


Yeah, I will admit I was one of those that would look at the results before voting. lol I like this new way. More the mystery. ;)


Getting a more honest look at what kind of thumbnails you guys generally prefer is also helpful to me when I decide the themes for future sketches. :)


I shall never falter in my valorous attempts at getting #2 to be chosen, really guys come on that looks like one blowjob from carnal heaven.


Maaan, I don't know what to pick I'm torn between 3 of 'em. D:


The thumb i keep voting for keeps barely losing even though it starts out quite a bit ahead ><


I have a question about the vote. Will you be publishing the results of the pool after it ends? Otherwise it's pointless. Previous pool could be gamed easily but without showing pool results we have no idea if you are actually picking the most picked by us or just your favorite.


I might publish the results. But I only include thumbnails in the poll that I'd like to paint in the first place, so it doesn't matter much to me which thumbnail wins. And actually painting the one that is most popular with you guys is what's most likely to keep you around as a patron, which is what I'd like to do. And that's the purpose of the poll. :)