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Hey! New poll! Find the thumbnail sketches below that show the ideas you think have the best potential and give 'em a big juicy vote. You can vote for several of them or for just one if you want, it's all up to you. I added a couple of new sketches. Hopefully there's something to like there. :)

And if you're curious about which illustration I'll be working on while this poll is running, check the results of the previous poll here



Griffin Barrows

Oh heck yes! I love when the new polls hit! Especially when there's so much potential for that Luke fellow :D*crosses fingers for 4, 7, 8*

Simon Delott

Still voting for 8, still losing. 1 and 3 look especially great -- they all do, really. I hope that whatever's being poured in 5 isn't going to mess up that girl's Ph balance. But I gotta be honest -- even from the sketch, that guy in 5 is hot enough that he could pour anything on anyone without complaint.


I checked yesterday and I sketched #8 in 2015! Time flies, haha. I still enjoy the concept, so I might just have to throw it away and draw a new version of it sometime, and then maybe people would be more interested in it. We'll see. :)


I so want to see 8


Honestly, I've just gotta say I don't really understand how #3 won. It looks rather bland compared to the others, with us so far away from the action and unable to really imagine ones self as a character, the background still mostly lifeless oasis with the other girls being very far away, and the poses being rather unflattering, imo. It's still miles better than most artists, but I'm just... surprised at the result of the poll


I suppose we all have slightly different things we develop positive associations towards. For example, the desert oasis looks pretty inviting to me and reminds me of positive experiences I've had in various games. :) If you haven't had similar experiences, I can understand why it doesn't have the same appeal to you. Others have also expressed disappointment in the past when a picture has been too zoomed in, and want pictures that show a broader scene. So it's hard to always make something that appeals perfectly to everyone. I will, however, be doing my best to make it a good illustration. Hopefully one you too can enjoy. :)