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Hi! I hope you're not all spooked out for the year. Here are the ghosties you guys wanted to see. :) If you ever go into spooky ruins looking for cool stuff, guard your belongings carefully! The ghosts seem very curious, and maybe ever so slightly kleptomaniac.

Some of you might notice that this illustration has a bit more of a textured look to it than a lot of my other illustrations. I've been playing around with some new Photoshop brushes lately that I really like that very easily let me make those subtle painterly textured surfaces. They're brushes I bought, so I wouldn't feel good about sharing them directly, but here is the link to where you can buy them if you're interested.

You can expect to get the reward pack for this illustration on the 7th, as usual. And I've put the alternate version without cum in the attachments here, for those of you who want that one.

Thank you, everyone, for supporting my work this month. It's always such a relief to be able to work on these illustrations for you guys rather than doing other types of work. I appreciate each and every one of you! :)




holy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Is this you IRL?!? No more hiding! Hahha Thanks for the referral, @Calm.


If you mean the guy in the Cubebrush link, then no, I'm afraid it's not me. :D


Now this work is in my "top 3 favorite Calm's art" Very inspiring

Griffin Barrows

Gosh, this turned out so good! Thanks, Calm!

Griffin Barrows

Also, what’s this guy’s name? He pops up a lot, and I’m infatuated with him 💙 (I’m going to pretend he’s the one drenching the ladies in next month’s obvious winner 🤤)


Hey, thanks, Vino! I'm very happy to hear you think it's inspiring! That means a lot. :)


Thank you, Shosan! I hope I'll be able to get some good use out of them in the next one too!


Gorgeus piece. I´ ve been willing to see it finished since I got here and it turned out even better than I could ever imagined ;)


I super dig how you rendered these ghosty ladies. Very nice work!


Dude is gonna leave that dungeon with no loot but empty balls so probably a fair trade. Love the ghost girls they're so fun