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Half way to a hundred illustrations! Thank you everyone for making sure I get to spend as much time as I do making these. Both old and new supporters, I love you all, and probably don't say it often enough. I'm lucky to have you. <3

I hope you guys like this illustration! Your reward packs will be sent out in about a week from now. :)

This was one where I at first didn't really have a good idea of what sort of environment I wanted to make, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out! It was fun doing a little bit of architecture again after the outdoor nature scenes I've been doing recently. Variety is nice!

A few years ago I dreaded doing architecture, but I'm really enjoying it now. Taking the time to properly learn perspective drawing and finding tools to help with it made all the difference. If you want to learn it, and you're struggling to find a good way to approach it, I recommend checking out tutorials on doing 360 degree panorama paintings. This article in particular has an excellent grid you can grab and use to set up a rotatable spherical perspective grid in Photoshop, and a video explaining a bit about how you can use it. In addition to helping with architectural drawing in particular, having a spherical grid like this also often helps me get a sense of room and depth in my scenes when I start drawing them. It makes it easier to visualize ideas than a blank canvas does. Give it a try!




Awesome :) You should do one where the guy's balls aren't as big and dangling, as though they've just been as totally drained as your pictures always suggest :)

Ciarán M

Blimey, 50 paintings, that is quite a lot 😄, I've been pledging since Illustration #25 and I just went back to have a look at some of those paintings. When I first saw your artwork, I was blown away by it and continued to be so with each new pinup, but what I don't really realise until I go back and compare is that you've continued to get even better and better, so damn fine work to you! 😄 As for this illustration, you have put a staggering amount of detail into this piece, the background is jam-packed and it all looks marvellous. And since you mention it, yes it does look very different to the many nature scenes that you've done, going from those lush greens and natural, curving shapes of tree branches to these red and grey tones with rigid architecture is a really cool change of pace. I really like the lighting here with the far sides being warmly lit by reds and with an orange glow from various candles, contrasting with a brighter, white light close to the top left of the background. Another contrast that I enjoy is how in the background there's all these straight lines from the structures and book cases, but then in the foreground, beneath the lady you have the rippling and folding shapes of cloth. The amount of detail put into the sheets is incredible, the way the material folds with a shine to red looks great. As for other details, I I like the curling of the pages of the book next to her, the folding up of the book mark and then the shine on the lenses of the glasses beneath the man's... you-know-what 😂. As for the characters, I'll start with the man and say that the cool rim-lighting along his right oblique/hip looks great and really pops against the warm skin tones, while I love that warmer lighting on his left thigh and how the muscles there are defined. The woman looks magnificent, I particularly enjoy her messy hair with so many strands splitting off, how they wrap across her forehead and over her shoulders, arm and breast to accentuate those shapes. Her face looks terrific with her distinctive red eye popping out against the shadows on her face, while you've painted her expression so well, with the shapes of her cheeks expanding with her mouth. Her hair itself has a wonderful amount of detail painted and both the cool and warm rim-lighting once again really lets that area pop. The lighting on her body looks great too, like the shine on her right shoulder, the shadows across her fingers that separate the planes as they bend and of course the shadows and lights that define her lovely bum 😉😄. And of course, all the naughty stuff is as well painted and rendered as ever 😂, the way her tongue curls and twists is so cool and looking at those close-up that you've included, it actually looks like the tongue is even pushing against the skin of the penis... that is an impressive attention to detail, bloody hell! 😂 So to summarise my no doubt overly long comment, brilliant work on yet another vibrant, intricate and all round amazing painting. Looking forward to seeing what you paint next month.


Congratz on 50 paintings! And wow! What a way to celebrate ^w^


This is phenomenal work. There's so many great things about it, but I'm particularly enamored of the way you've painted her tongue. So sexy and so awesome. &lt;3


Congratulations on completing 50 paintings! Beautiful work, and thank you for the useful link.


I'm very happy to hear you're able to see progress in the illustrations I've been making, Ciarán! Keeping an objective view of my own work is often hard, so it's nice to get confirmation from others that I am improving. It puts my mind at ease. 😄 And, as always, it's fun to hear about the things you're noticing and enjoying in the painting!


Thank you, Dockleaf! And no problem! I hope it'll help you as much as it has helped me. :)


Great Detail, nice colors I could really see an artbook with these :) . By the way is there a video with this submission ?


Thank you! Making an art book involves a lot of work I'm not too excited about doing, heheh. So I'm afraid it's not looking particularly likely at the moment. Sorry about that! And yep, all my illustrations have time lapse videos, all the way back to illustration #1. :)