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Here's the illustration I've been working on in March! Had some struggles throughout the process of it, especially with keeping the environment and multiple characters in the same perspective. But I also discovered some new things too, so it's been a good one to work on! And I think those trees are the best ones I've painted! I hope you guys like it. :)

The rewards for this illustration will be sent out in about a week from now, on the usual schedule!

To give a bit of backstory, this illustration shows a few of the characters that live in the village close to where Maya lives. The woman on her knees is Andria Taloncrest. Her family owns the land around this area, so she has a countryside home in the village there. The scene takes place at the entrance of that home, where her personal guards are posted. Porter is the name of the one closest, and the far one is Genri. Andria and her friend Victoria here, who also lives in the village, enjoy teasing the guards while they're on duty. As you can see, they sometimes also venture a bit beyond just teasing. :)




Lovely as always!


Amazing artwork


Love the atmosphere here. And holy hell the sheer fabric!


Trees, what trees? Oh, yeah, Bob Ross would be proud!! 😂

Ciarán M

My word! I am in awe of this painting, the colours are absolutely stunning, so lush and vibrant, I love the perspective, the overall scenario, the characters and the incredible detail throughout. The background is truly gorgeous, the way you paint the clouds, mountains, trees, blades of grass, full of detail and texture, rendered in this lovely semi-realistic style is just so appealing 😄. Seriously, your work is just a joy to look at. All 4 characters look marvellous, the warm tones of their skin and clothes really let them pop against the cool greens and light blues. I love the poses of them too, the guy in the back who looks on with that smile as if he's thinking "Nice! 😉" (likely hoping that he'll get a turn 😂), the front man who looks like he's having a great time, the sensual pose of the woman on her knees, the way she looks up at him, breast teased by the fabric draped over her, stomach extended with her hand disappearing between her own thighs and transparent material draped across her legs and bum. My favourite has to be the standing woman though 😍, the black hair and dark lips, forming that eager smile are just too sexy, as are the warm tones of her ample breasts framed by her cool-coloured, open jacket, her own stomach in full view as she teases with the tugging of her panties. I also really like how she so casually dangles her own transparent attire off to the side. The rendering across all 4 characters is fantastic, as always, I so love your style of painting them. The furthest back man has the perfect amount of detail to him, clearly showing his expression, the definition of his muscles and folds/materials of her clothes. More clearly seen with the closer man, I really like the metals of his pauldrons and boots, that dull steel with the hint of a shine to it. I also like how his hair falls forward to drape across his pecs, while you did an amazing job defining his muscles, the abs, obliques, hip and thigh muscles all look terrific. Can't help but be jealous of him 😂, of course, there's another reason to be envious of him too 😉. The folds of his fallen trousers and the his belt curls are very well done too. And with the lads out of the way, now for the fun part... the ladies 😍😍😍. Starting with the woman on her knees, you did an excellent job on her expression, with her lips wrapped around the shaft and... I just zoomed in and she's got her tongue coming out too, naughty 😉. Her hair looks fantastic, as with everything else, this style of yours has the best possible blend of realistic detail and simplifying things that don't need a tonne of detail, the hair is a great example of that. I really like how it drapes over her jacket, the hair cascading along her back, strands curling and rippling. The transparent material is amazing, I am so impressed by how you have the folds painted, rippling across and clinging to the forms of her bum, thighs, calves and foot, while being transparent. This apples to the other transparent fabric too that the other lady is holding and how it drapes across the stone (the stone itself looks very nice with the corners being frayed and chipped at). And lastly with the kneeling woman, love the textures of her skin and colours used throughout, like how the soles of her feet are a different hue to the rest of her, the definition of her thighs, calves and feet are so very appealing too. And now to the standing lady... Oh I think I might be in love with her 😍. Love the shine to her black hair as well as the dark blue flower attached to it. Her face looks amazing and I really like how the front and side planes are separated by light and shadow, an effect that looks absolutely amazing across the rest of her too. I really like her jacket with the "feathers" along the edges and end of her sleeve, how they all spread out and are individually rendered, the folds along her sleeve look great too and I like how we see the form of her arm beneath it, tinted blue. You did an amazing job on her breasts, the shapes being so very appealing with how the shadows and light wrap over their forms, love her nipples too, specifically her left one with the gentle gradation in tone. But my favourite part of her is mid-section. The clear separation in her side and front planes, with her beautifully rendered stomach in full view is just too much 😍, the strong contrast between warm light and darker shadow, the forms as they're defined, all just so gorgeous! I also love how her thighs are separated by one being entirely in shadow as the light fully bathes the other, while her thigh-highs look terrific with the rim-lighting running along the edges, each leg separated by them and the shadows cast from one to the other. Despite how long this comment is, there's still things I haven't even mentioned 😂, but I'll leave it here, I hope that the point has been made, that being that I adore this beautiful painting! The vibrant colours themselves are enough to delight and once again, what I love so much about the scenarios that you paint is the sense of fun that you capture, how your characters are so often smiling and clearly having fun 😄 (often, the only reason a character isn't smiling is because her mouth is full 😂😈)


Is there a “gooshy” version?

Matty Thunders

Good god this is awesome. Love to see you working a bit more narrative into your work! I'm not kidding man, I look forward to your new piece all month.

Eric Lynch

The narrative element is very cool. If you had a sentence or two to share about the backstory, I’d love to know it.


You do a consistently good job of reassuring me about the decisions I've made in my paintings, Ciaran. I appreciate that. 😄 I didn't feel equally confident about everything I did in this picture, and it's nice to hear you think it works well!


Thank you, Matt! I'm glad you've been looking forward to it. 😄


I updated the description with a bit of the backstory for you. I hope you like it! :)


OMG! The girl on her knees totally looks like the cosplayer/artist Vera Bambi! So in love!


hmmm, interesting backstory. before reading this i always thought that the mother was teaching her dughter to suck cock using the guards and thst far one looks like luke...