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Happy new year, everyone! Managed to finish this illustration a couple of hours before midnight. It turned out a little bit different than the thumbnail. I hope you guys don't mind that I gave it a bit more of a seasonal theme!

The reward for this illustration will be sent out in roughly a week (usually on the 7th).

Anyway, I hope you've all had a wonderful holiday, with lots of good food and all that! And I hope 2018 will be awesome for all of you. :) I'll do my best to keep making better and better illustrations!

What are your goals or hopes for 2018?




Oh wow this one snuck up on me, awesome way to end the year!

Ciarán M

Oh wowsers! First thing that instantly stands out to me are these colours, they are just beautiful! I love the overall warm-tones of the left side, contrasting with the cool tones of the right, all with the luscious, purple/pink lady at the centre striking a nice balance between the two. The background is just wonderful and really has an amazing atmosphere with the stone walls warmly lit by the various fires, the soft, fur that the two characters are sitting against adds to the cozy feel, while the cool exterior through the window is also so very nice and vibrant. The details throughout are as excellent as ever and there is no way that I can go in-depth on everything that I like without having to write a mini-novel of a comment 😂. So in an attempt to summaries, I love the textures of the stone walls of the interior, the fur on the chair, the materials and shine of the pommel of his sword, helmet as well as the jug and cup beside them. The food is painted so very well too as are the structures seen outside the window. Each of the characters are brilliantly done too, both of their expressions are great, the girl looks especially marvellous with that fun grin on her face 😄. Her hair is fantastic with it's black colour and the way it sweeps and meanders around, asymmetrical and dynamic. Her pose too benefits from this with the way her head turns against the direction of her body, the arch of her back with her breasts protruding forth, as well as the elegant flow of her legs. I like too how she's turned at an angle with a bit of foreshortening to her as she leans away from us. The lighting and rendering on both characters is as brilliant as ever. In the case of the demon lady, I just love her face with those bright eyes peering out and that big smile, the anatomy of her shoulder and how it connects to her chest, the way her perky breasts point out with cool rim-lighting and shadows separating them. The bright lights and wet textures along her bum and thigh are terrific too, I particularly like how her right thigh connects to her calf as well as the warm fire lighting her foot. The guy is brilliantly done too with the definition of the muscles across his entire body, my favourite parts being his arm, how the muscles flex as it bends as well as the detail in his fore-arm. His hands wrapping around and gripping her body are very well done too. There's more that I could go on about, but suffice to say, you've delivered something spectacular once again and it is quite fun that it ends up being on New Years Eve 😄 Fantastic work!


Love how he literally is man handling her and how tiny she is compared to him.


Thank you, Ciaran! I'm happy to hear you found a lot to like about it! Happy new year! 😄