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Here's a new poll! It'll be a bit different from previous polls in that I'll be doing a comic, so you guys will be picking a character from a few different options. The character you pick will appear in the comic, which will most likely take place in succubus Maya's lab. Here are the character options: http://calmdraws.tumblr.com/post/107909782411/happy-new-year-these-are-a-few-different And here's the poll: http://polls.cc/Lqjn1Y/ If you guys have any questions about the comic, feel free to ask!


Happy new year! These are a few differen...

Happy new year! These are a few different character options for a short comic project. My patrons on Patreon get one vote each. I've never made a comic before, so it may end up being garbage. Exciting! http://www.patreon.com/calm


DrJackal 035

Hard choice. I really like numbers 1, 3, and 7.


I thought for sure #3 would be miles ahead. I don't really care for 2.. but I'm sure it'll still be good.