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It's not part of my Patreon illustrations, but I figured I'd post this picture here for you guys anyway. It's an unfinished painting from a few years ago. Never got around to finishing it. I kinda like it though.

It’s supposed to look like an ad for Turbo Juice, the soda merchandise for my action hero character Turbo Cat. It’s unfortunately only merchandise they sell in his world, not in ours. Sorry. :)




Buxom little slyph, ain't she? Very nice, thank you for sharing it with us.

Ciarán M

Well hello there! 😻 This may be unfinished, but it's utterly delightful all the same. I love the colours with the surrounding blues, grey-blues, white of her hair and the greens contrasting against her warm-toned skin, her blue eyes look especially nice when set amongst the warm tones of her beautiful face 💙💙. The way her hair sweeps, curls and flows out with the fabric to her right twisting and turning up in the same direction gives the painting a wonderfully dynamic flow to it too. And I just love the way this character looks and the pose she's in, blue eyes are my favourite and there's something about white hair that I find appealing. The cast shadow across the top half of her face is great while her pose is quite sensual and alluring with her breasts wrapping over the shape of her chest as she reclines, toned stomach hinted at with her forward leg elegantly extending high with both calves flowing out. I really like how the lighting affects her with her chest, stomach and closer planes of her right leg receiving the light and contrasted against the darker tones of her back leg. Unfinished as it may be, the amount of work that you did put into it is marvellous, if Turbo Juice were real, she'd most certainly be selling it in droves 💚😻💚


This looks fantastic, Calm. You should consider finishing it!


Oooh I remember this one !

Robert Arctor

Beautiful! Party on, slurms ;)


It woukd be amazing to finish it! Look goergeous.

Matty Thunders

Beautiful. I'd love to see more stuff like this!




I really love those old works. Thet have a charm on their own. Speaking about those, any plan for new "old" releases on Cubebrush? mmmh? :D


I'm glad you like it! :) And yeah, I hope to get around to putting some more of them up. Don't know exactly when though. It's nice to hear you're interested in it!