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A few days ago, my computer suddenly crashed and It went into an infinite loop of window automatic repair. I kept restarting and couldn't get into Windows at all. Then I sent it to the computer shop and waited for a few days. The staff helped me to check and format my computer. Fortunately, it is not the problem of mother board and C drive. It does not need to be sent to the factory, and can be sent back within a few days. Fortunately, before these things happened, I had a file backup. Although I still lost some progress, at least the whole file did not disappear, I felt very lucky (ˉ▽ˉ;).





I can feel the pain when u lost some progress. It’s frustrating when u lose some but lucky for u when u had back up file 😃👍


incidents happen in life, the main thing is not to get upset and do what you started)


yea srsly I am glad I back up the file so at least I can continue do the animation ;_;


the most upset is my computer actually bought no even 1 year then thing happen. But luckily it can settle within few day not week ._.