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Hello everyone who joined! Thank you for your support!

I know many of you are interested in Precision. I wasn't planning on any Patreon benefits like that - it was just another place to show your support, and a place for me to share some sneak peeks - but it's becoming increasingly clear that I need some outside testing for my mods - the recent pattern is that I release a new update to TDM/THUD and immediately get a bunch of reports about pretty obvious bugs that I managed to miss.

Also it seems that many of you were expecting to find a download link after joining :)

I can share the in-dev version of Precision - it's not even a beta test, it's barely an alpha. There's a bunch of issues, the weapon trails can CTD randomly (and they look awful at low framerates), IIRC the collision still doesn't work for some enemies, there's no checking for stuff like the weapon sweep perks, there are many more features planned (a custom weapon recoil animation, a Nemesis patch to allow pitch change so you can hit those pesky rats, etc), and the whole main functionality of the mod will be reworked in the future as there's this incredible VR plugin currently in active development (adamhynek/activeragdoll (github.com)) - I've talked with the author, asked whether he's planning to make something for non-VR Skyrim and got permission to use some of the code for my mod. This could, if everything goes as planned, help me use Havok for collision detection (it's mostly custom right now), and also add procedural physical hit reactions, which would IMO skyrocket Skyrim back to modern age.

Obviously, please don't share it around - it's really nowhere near ready yet.

SE only, I'm not going to look for AE addresses until it's near ready - no point in doing the work if half of them can end up unused.

UPDATE: I've uploaded a new version that fixes the collision issue with the player, and also increases the cooldown between each hit on a non-character ref - which is the cause of the "loud" impact sounds, that in fact are multiple hits happening close together.



For your newest version npc can hit now! The weapon collisions are still being stuck on for me tho! Even when weapon is lowered my fists still have collisions displayed in debug. While npc's weapon collision cancels out properly after each strike!


Hmm, is it any animations or just some where the collision is stuck "on" after an attack ends?


Wait nevermind if i fight unarmed my chracter does seld damage


My character does self harm when using some melee movesets and unarmed


I really want to love this mod but in its current state I'm missing about 80% of my attacks even when point blank. Plus the new Elden Counter mod becomes useless since it never connects. I'm sure these are just early alpha issues tho, the concept is stellar and can't wait to test the improved versions later on.


that‘s wonderful!!


With MCO, some animations will hit yourself badly


Still getting self-damage from a lot of attacks when using SkySA. Mostly from bash, heavy attacks and "additional attacks" mod. Is there any way to band-aid fix this by just disabling self damage somehow? Also still experiencing the "loud" impact. Is the download link perhaps for older version of the mod, because in the post you say both of these issues are fixed already?


Yeah, skysa + this = killing yourself plus loud noises :D Other than that I think this is amazing and will defiantly will skyrocket collisions. Will track it for sure


The self damage is going to be fixed in the rework. It's caused by the animations missing some crucial annotations; the loud impacts are just multiple hits on the same ref/neighboring refs from one attack, that are happening in a short timeframe. I am not sure how to solve the issue, increasing the cooldown too much takes away from the feeling of actual collision, as when you swing your weapon through the wall and get like two hits it doesn't feel right. Compare this to Dark Souls or similar games where you get a bunch of sparks/sounds all the way during the collision. I'll definitely make the cooldown configurable, but I think a sound/particle replacer that is a bit subtler might be the ideal way to go in the end.


It's been working rather well! Been testing it with MCO and I've not hit myself... yet! Thanks again!


Tried with MCO and still was able to hurt myself :D be it against the wall (say bb to narrow corridor and great swords), although you can level up heavy/light armor like this :D Saw latest update and cant wait to test it now