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Hey guys. Sorry for the inactivity still.
I feel like I owe it to everyone supporting me to just be honest and tell what's going on.

I said the reason I'm remaking AGRSS is I'm unhappy with how I previously made it and that led me to a cycle of remaking scenes for it but still not being fully satisfied with it.
I know I can't be too much of a perfectionist, but for me if I'm not happy with what I'm releasing, I feel like I'm just doing it for the sake of giving you guys content for money.

Even just last month, I actually finished remaking Neu's thighjob, but I still wasn't satisfied with 1 shot of it. When this happens, it demotivates me which further slows down the process. But it's also exactly why I've been working on multiple projects so I'll have an outlet when these things happen.

Me being unhappy, isn't just about the visuals. It also spans to the story and everything.
So I've been fleshing out the lore. I've been designing more characters that would be important later on and I'm now currently touching up the existing characters.

I already posted Sui. Now here's the rest I've done so far.
Mykka and LafiRafi didn't actually get any redesign, only Intoh had changes with her clothes.
I'm still gonna redraw the rest of the reapers to see if I'll want to update anything else.

Background is also something I need to figure out as that too has something to do with lore.
I've always disliked doing them but I really need to improve myself on this department to deliver how I want AGRSS to be.

Thank you for your patience.
I still need more time but I just want to deliver something I can be happy with years from now.

I would also like to talk about CRIMR which I'll do in a different post.



Rico P.

I am very impressed with the amount of care you bring into all this. It shows dedication that not everybody has. Good work!

Zex Asher

I'm here for the long haul, even more so now with how much dedication you have for this project. Even little improvements are a step forward, so try not to get bogged down looking for perfection. That said immensely looking forward to whats in store for the future! <3