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Hey guys. I really hate to go back on my words again, but I need to.

I said on my plans for agrss that I would commit to my decision, and I did.
I was working on this animation like you saw with the sketch I posted, and I was actually feeling good about it.
But now that it's done and I'm looking back at it, I'm actually still not happy with it.

It's not like I think it's bad quality. I do think it's good. That's why I'm posting it for people to enjoy.
My problem is more the artstyle. This is passable if this was one of my fan lewds which I don't care as much on a personal level, but since this is more a passion project I want to make it great and stand out.

So the solution for this is I need to make some actual drastic change on the artstyle so I could feel happy about it, which I'll be talking about on the next post.

In the meantime, I hope you like and enjoy this animation even if it's not gonna be used in the final game - .•)b
I don't think I need to provide a drive link as you can just save from here.




what a good animation, I can't wait for the next version of agrss


Okay, as a non artist, I will never be able to comprehend how artists will make something that I could never do in my entire life and just say 'nah not good enough', it's nuts, like, if this is the bad version, the better version is gonna be even more of a bloody masterpiece!


Well I don't think most artist are ever actually fully satisfied with their own work. Just like the quote says "Art is never finished, only abandoned" or at least in this case, since it's a game, "only released."


This so good! I honestly respect that even though you dont want this in your game you shared it with your community, its amazing to see the dedication and love you have not only for your game but for your community. I hope we get to see more of Pari, I think a missionary or pronebone of her would be awesome.


Perfectionism is the enemy of good. Plz dont let your perfectionism cripple your progress with this great game. It's perfectly fine to hold yourself to high standards, but your standards are absurd if this great art does not meet them.


I know all too well the threat of perfect looming in the mind. Take as much as you want to be happy with your work, but please remember that perfection is a journey, not a destination.


Here's hoping you find the way that works for you


Whoaw looks great, is there already like a beta or something we can download?


I think it looks great. More please. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


sound on this would be great