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CRIMR is now finally updated again! (•̀o•́)ง!
This update is about adding the positions from Vel's first vn to the game.
Still no android version, but might happen soon.

Like last time, there's likely still bugs so please tell us about it if you spot any.

There's also now a mac version, but we're not able to test it ourselves as we need a mac for that. For any mac users, we'd really appreciate if you tell us if there's any problems.



Quinton Valor

Will CRIMR ever have the other reapers? Looks amazing btw


so beautiful


cant wait


Tried out the Mac version. I can move around and interact with everything, but none of the animations are working properly... :/ Is there anything we could send to help report these issues? (Videos/Screenshots/etc.)


Right now there's only here and discord. I'm honestly not sure how we'll tackle this issue yet as it would be too inefficient if we have no way of testing by ourselves and have to get feedback from users every time.


Could you make it faster to go to the next phase of the scene? I just feel like it takes a bit too long