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"Hm? Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Oh-uh... nothing..."

Here's my work for Valerio x Mitsuba ~ I didn't plan anything at all, they just suddenly came to my mind. I've been working on other projects and live2d recently so it's good to draw something for myself again ^^

I'm planning to do either Chelle x Leif or Marinne from FE3H next but don't know who to go for...

I don't know... if you guy enjoys wholesome, normal SFW works like this, I can keep the Patreon going again ^^ Ofc there will be polls and I will approach other nintendo games like FE3H, botw, the new triangle strategy, ... I'm not so sure about how many people will agree about that though... 

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the work!




Love your style! I like the wholesome style you are going for! It's great that you want to branch out in different series.


Definitely would be okay with you doing more SFW art if we can still see it here and support you!


Also this is the first time I use non-lineart technique for a full illustration so I hope you guys can give me some feedback as well ^^ like is it better than the usual lineart works or not? Or which situation will it be suitable?


Thanks ^^ I will need to make a survey anyway... hopefully everything would be okay!

Cage Nightwind

I always preferred the SFW anyway. The nsfw was just a bonus for me. (I'm the type who usually prefers fanservice over full nsfw anyway.) Anyway, I've been here for nothing. Of course I'd be here for something. ^^ Good to see a post but don't rush or push.


Even before the change, we were here for the artist more than the art. (as Cage said, the Tiers were just nice bonuses)


Might need to see more to have more comparisons. To me they both look equally amazing and I wouldn't have noticed a distinguishable difference. Maybe with different pieces it will show more


I would be down for that, would the previous patreon vote from September go through if this happens?