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A dreamed Valentines night.

Is that time of the year, you guys know I also enjoy posting some wholesome content from time to time. Especially if it's Persona related. With persona 3 reload release last week, I've been trying to have some fun again and actually play a game for a change.

By the end of last year I was surprised at checking at my stats in launchers and finding out, I literally played almost not a single minute of any game at all. Maybe there was no game that interested me and I was also going through some weird stuff through the whole year. But I didn't feel like playing games at all for some reason. Tekken 8 changed that this year, and thankfully I am now going back on playing these games and boy, I feel the "passion" fire coming back for these coupled style of content.

This won't be the last romantic render this month of course. I'll visit some other characters as I update my models ;)

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Megumi Kato's Boy

Still looking forward to the Rise x Yu Valentine’s animation that won last year! Been subbed to your Patreon this whole time waiting for that!


Thank you so much for supporting this whole time :,) I promise to finish it this month. I got to start it over again since I gained a bit more experience animating since I did it last time.