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Well, I just finished finals a week and half? ago - and wrongly assumed I'd have plenty of time to work on Grizzly Tech's Chapter 9 update. The floor in my mobile home (it was made in 1970s), is growing weaker, so construction had to be done on it, by adding another layer of plywood on top of it, since what's below is basically pressboard (ugh). Then some laminate tile over it. It should look awesome when done. Anyway, that is a ton of work, and on top of that, I had to go to work at 7-11am shifts (typically Tues, Thurs-Fri) - which wear me out a bit for the rest of the day. 

I feel so bad about this - so I'll suspend billing for next month, and hope I can muster a full update since the floor renovation is almost done at this point. I did manage to translate some of my script into Renpy coding - but I'm about 1/3rd done with the chapter, unfortunately. 

Here's a snippet of it for those who are interested. (May change by the time I get the Chapter 9 update fully done.) 

g uhhh blue "...Oh. Is that... good? Shouldn't they not do that? Why am I having these dreams?"

b confused "Umm. I am not an expert with how they're programmed - but technically, no. But all it appeared to do is change your eyes a little. A cosmetic change."

extend flirty "A majestic one."

extend neutral " As far as your dreams - it may just have meant you were on the right path after all in your journey."

"Brent shrugs, and pats at my leg before lapsing into thought."

b neutral "I couldn't tell you any more than that because dreams are subjective. Repeating dreams seems like a signal from your subconscious mind trying to tell you something."

"I reach over and lay my hand over Brent's own with a large exhale of relief."

gt charming blue yes "Really? Majestic?"

"I lean forward with a large grin, and wink at him."

g flirtywink blue -yes "...You think I'm majestic? Like a lion?"

b flirty "Grant... I ... I wasn't being literal - ah, um..."

Hope people enjoy the sneak peek of the stuff I was able to get done so far. 

Apologies for not being able to pull off an update. 



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