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Unfortunately - I wasn't able to figure out how to refund you from an external source. BUT I did suspend December's billing cycle so you will still technically get your two months of paused billing like I promised two months ago. 

I apologize for the screw-up. 

And as for Bara Jam - I was juggling school, and work, and trying to get this game done - and I frankly suck at doing too many things, heheh. I did get enough of a demo - without any combat through RPGMaker MZ together to upload, about 5 minutes before the Bara Jam was to end. Unfortunately, The upload decided to slow to an extreeeeme snail's pace.

Ughhh. I was so annoyed at it. But I should have the demo out in a few days - once I finish the cutscenes I was planning on doing, and a scripted battle for the introduction. 

That's about all - I'll attach some screenshots when I get a few from my demo in the next couple days. 



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