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First of all I apologize for not updating in a while - life keeps me really busy, and well, I haven't been entirely inactive. I've been working on a BG for Grizzly Tech and some script. This bg has taken me forever to do - because I have to fix a lot of errors with it. I hope people like it - and it should be included in the next update. 

And as for the script, I'm working on two ways to handle Chris' situation - depending on what happened while you were playing through his route in the last update. The reason it's so slow is because I'm trying to develop his character at the same time I'm writing it. 

And here's a screen cap of Chapter 7 atm. I thought people might enjoy reading a sneak preview of my script. It shouldn't be 'too' spoilery, I think. 

That's part of what I'm trying to do here - Develop Chris' personality and his life and figuring out how he'd deal with Grant's issues, etc. 

Onto other things: Bara Jam 2019 has been ongoing for the last month or so - and I decided to take part of that, but it is a time travel VN. Here's a preview of one or two characters Time's Interloper. I have a few characters sketched - and a friend from the Bara Game Developer Discord Server offered to ink them digitally for me which saved me a lot of time. 

Meet Griff, the protagonist. 

And Klaus below. He's the only one I'd sketched, inked digitally and colored fully to flats. 

The rest of them I'd sketched and my friend @SoulSoftEA from Discord inked them all, and the single BG I have for that project. Thanks so much! :D 

And a sneak peek of the early script for Time's Interloper! 

Until laters! 


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