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Okay. You may be wondering why I've decided to change the title of the game. Well, simply put.... As it stands, my title shares its name with a science website for middle-school grade children. I'm nervous enough for parents to google the name of my game, and get MY game instead of middle-grade students, or even worse, a middle-grade school student googling MY game, hoping to get the science website. In addition, my VN *will* have, and already has *some* Mature content, so I debated for a couple days on my options, then decided it would be best to change my title to something similar. I definitely do not want my game associated with minors, heh. 




Spiffy, eh? 

It's all thanks to Hiriji for helping out in creating the title logo, and the 3D models are courtesy of Deevil :D :D. I converted them into silhouettes myself.  

And another update: I've done quite a bit of housekeeping trying to polish and update the demo itself with sprites, and side sprites. 

So Chapter 1 to 6 are all updated with sprites, and I've also did some dialogue reworking as well, even though the story hasn't changed fundamentally. I've merely just updated my writing to be less clunky, and hopefully rid of those pesky inconsistent tense errors. 

Once I post this devlog, and the corresponding updates to the demo, I will feel better about focusing on the next chapter. I apologize if you were hoping for a new chapter, but from a review I received on a Discord server, made me realize that it had issues which is why I wanted to revise the current demo as is, before writing new content. 

You should see this go into effect when I post this Devlog. :) 

Thanks for the follows, and the comments, folks. :) Please let me know if there's any errors in the game :) The link, as always, is on http://gryphbear.itch.io/grizzly-tech



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