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First. Welcome to my Patreon page! This is going to be a recap of my last devlog on itch.io, to get things rolling.


If you visited the link to my game, the date on the last update shows that it's been a while. I promise that I'm not dead, despite there not being updates in a few months. I am hoping everyone is enjoying my story so far. I do have a few bits of news to share with all of you. The biggest reason I haven't been releasing an update as quickly as I'd like is because I'm attending college and tend to only have 2-3 days in the latter end of the week depending on energy levels and how much homework I actually have to do to actually work on this VN. So bear with me, and have patience. I am working on it. Just slowly. 

Onto the news: 

Deevil's been so kind to create 3D side images, and some standing sprites for my game. I've been working to include those into my game, and fine-tuning the sprites to match my vision of my characters. That's why it's been taking forever - I've gotten roughly the prologue and chapter 1, some of chapter 2 done, along with  chapter 7 blocked in with my side sprites so far. 

Some screenshots of the 3D sprites: 

The main character: 

Some Side Sprites: 

That's basically what I've been doing the last few months - Chapter 7 has slowed to an almost standstill because of too much homework and work, although I have plotted out most of this chapter regarding Chris' routes. 

Hope people are looking forward to more stuff to play! 

There will be more than just sprite updates. But that'll have to wait until next time. ;) 


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