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Finally, with 7 months separating it from page 4, the redo of page 5 is here! I know a lot of people were waiting for this page in particular (this is the one I personally wanted to redo the most), so I hope you enjoy it! I think this is the biggest jump up for these pages yet.




Wow 😳 it turned out great!


This is pure gold! Probably the only time I'm not angry of seeing you draw Lucy

Zeo, the Loyal

OH LAWD! This takes the cake... or in this case ice-cream :)




GOT DAMN!!!!! Fantastic work!

Styg Skye

Yeah, this is probably the biggest glowup yet

Brandon Pierce

Now the big question; will there be any more redos? Page 6 is an interesting case for this sequence.

Zeo, the Loyal

Are you going to keep updating these, or is this the last one? ❤️


Hot damn! That looks so amazing, this has really been a big change! I love the way you shade the skin now. You have envolved not only in the area of coloring, but you made the body bigger and gave more fat folds to Lucy's body. She was already gigantic in the old version, but here she is twice as big. You also played very well with perspective and foreshortening! I love every part of the drawing including the ice cream tubs, you took the time to design each tub with a different flavor and different presentation. You are great, keep it up! ❤️


Please keep doing these, I can’t wait to see the rest of the redo of this marvelous sequence, especially with your upgraded skills!


Love how well you've been refining your style over the years, and this really shows it.

Melissa Eclipse

Will be be getting redos of the other pages as well?