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Got two scenes left, might go back to EEVEE since even though cycles looks super nice, it takes waaaay too long to render anything worth while. Looking into it, really thinking eevee is going to be the way forward. Render times would drop to 1/10th and smaller productions wouldn't be so much of a hassle, then again  I'd be trading quality over time.  .  .But its taken me five days to render roughly a minute.

So, just food for thought. Video out soon. Intro and outro are the best parts, I personally feel, hope it delivers! Also I have a monster video planned for you guys right after this.

See you guys soon with the full video,


P.s. Remember to always set boundaries and to RESPECFUYLLY, respect them. Boundaries are an integral part of your ego and if someone just tosses them aside, you should have a serious talk with them.  


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