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Long story short, as I write this my throat feels like I just serviced an entire horde of bad dragons.

Been sick lately, got the covids

I'm doing ok so far, well, not great, but I'm not dying. Littlemoon more than likely has it as well given that we, you know, are about to be married and all the things that come with that. It seems to be hitting her harder than myself, but we're watching things.

Have a big project I'm hoping to show you guys. I. . .really hope you all like it. I've been working at it in between bouts of fever/fatigue and its shaping up to really be something. I don't want to jinx it just yet so bear with me for a while longer until I get it in a more polished state. Right now the. . .ahem. . .interactions, aren't really visually up to par yet.

For now though, see you guys later, be happy, love your family and all that, most importantly stay healthy though!




Get Well soon.


Get well soon