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Stream only for now until I remember my MEGA password. (New computer and all)

Hey guys, so sorry this took so long. If my computer hadn't updated AND blender hadn't crashed twice during rendering, this would have been out at least 2 days ago.

Anyhow, uh. Cycles is fucking phenominal. I love everything about it. . .

Except for the render times.

This animation has some weird non-pretty lighting, which I realized only after I'd rendered it. But there is a second one where I learned how to render far better already. So going forward it wont look so. . .washed out.

So I'm sticking to cycles from now on. Which means rendering will be a WAY longer process until I get my RTX 3070. For now I'm still on my 1070 which. . .works. But anyways, more small stuff to come soon, working on the next vote for another short video (no longer videos UNTIL the new GPU comes in.) I also have another video which I'll try rendering through tonight for you guys. Nothing major, just futa-alma on some girl.

Anywho, see you guys in a day or so, I have to go shower since I was cutting wood and knicked my leg on accident. Not by swinging, the axe just slipped and fell against my leg.

Stay good yall, and remember to always say whats in your heart!





Well I hope your leg gets better an I can't wait for the next release


This one came out pretty quick, anyway. I think it's a mark of your proficiency, eh? Futa's not my taste, but it still looks good. You have my support.


Get well soon, and , as always be safe!