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(Check pinned archive post)

Hey guys, so good news bad news.   

Goodnews is that the motioncapture software worked like a charm, it was honestly pretty damn easy to get fast movements implemented with only a little tweaking. I think I got all the animation done in like 3 days, horse dong itself took the most because every rig I've ever found aside from a batch of BD toy models is so god damn finicky to work with.

You move one thing and the rest of the animation data gets wompy. . .  

The bad news is that the video was delayed because I think my GPU is starting to fail. I'm not entirely sure but everything rendered fine up until the last part, for some reason the final few scenes absolutely would not render under any circumstances. It got so bad that my PC would just shut off or lock up.

 I spent 4 days trying to render 20 seconds.   

Anywho I had to turn all the reflections off and lower some values for subdivision and hair particles but I _finally_ managed to get _one_ stable render out.   

In all honesty this shouldn't have fucked my PC like it did but, oh well. Live and learn and all that.   So in a few days I'm going to do another vote for yall, this one SUPER fucking simple, plain background and the like.

While waiting on that I'm going to get our wonderfully talented voice actress her story boards and the sound design of SP EP2 can get closer to being finished.   

So uh, yeah, be ready for another short animation.




Good Work !! ❤👍


beautiful I love thank you


Love it~


We, the people, demand justice for human-colored horse cock

Chris-Karl Kade

Hey wich graka Do you Use to render Videos maybe the vram is to low?