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MinnMax's Ben Hanson, Sarah Podzorski, Jeff Marchiafava, Haley MacLean, and Leo Vader kick off their three-part game club series on Remedy Entertainment's new survival-horror game Alan Wake 2. In this discussion, they unpack the first 6 hours of the game - covering the prologue, Saga Anderson's first two chapters and Alan Wake's first three chapters up through Initiation 3: Haunting. So they stop when you switch back to FBI Agent Saga Anderson for the first time in the story, and they don't spoil anything beyond that point. This discussion goes way beyond a video review or average spoilercast, as we dive into the connections to Control, the bold opening, Twin Peaks references, and make our predictions for where the story is going. The Deepest Dive is directly supported by the MinnMax community on Patreon, so a huge thank you to everybody who is playing along with us and submitted comments for us to read during the show. 

Watch and share the video version of The Deepest Dive here - https://youtu.be/ZjyPKG7hrRo

The stopping point for the next discussion is playing through Return 6 and Initiation 6, so you'll naturally be jumping back and forth a bit between characters. We're collecting your comments over on Patreon on Sunday, November 12th.

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An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs - RabidLime

Final Fantasy Tactics - Vincent Baker

Ghost of Tsushima - ProcyonNumber6

Mortal Kombat 1 - Malcolm Holliday

Total War: Warhammer 3 - Maniac

Luck Be A Landlord - TrampolineTales

Beautiful Katamari - Clemens Zobel

Brain Dead 13 - Jawarhello

Neo: The World Ends With You - Joshua Ayers

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo - Patrick Polk



As someone who lives in the Pacific Northwest, this is the most accurate PNW game I've ever played, and I also appreciate the brazen PNW/Finnish/Nordic fusion of it. They've created an alternate world where there are Finnish small towns in rural Washington


I'm assuming that if you pet every taxidermy deer head in the game, something happens