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Trivia Tower returns this Tuesday, September 19th at 6pm Central, and you can win $1,000 by competing in game trivia because it's... Trivia Tower: THE GRAND ROUND! Ben Hanson will be joined by Mike Minotti from Giant Bomb and GamesBeat for an intense evening of game trivia. Work you way up the Trivia Tower by answering a question correctly in MinnMax's Discord, the last person standing wins $1,000 - $500 for themselves and $500 for a charity of their choice. We'll open up the Trivia Tower floors in the Discord on Tuesday before the competition begins, but please let us know if you have any questions about how it all works!

Here's a link to the stream where we'll be reading the questions, you give your answers in MinnMax's Discord - https://youtube.com/live/2wRiMDW0L6U?feature=share

Trivia Tower Rules and Conditions

- If you get an answer correct, you move up a floor of the Trivia Tower. If you answer correctly on the 5th floor, you win the game.

- One typo allowed per answer including spaces, not counting punctuation. A typo is a missing character, an extra character, or a character in the wrong place. Your one typo cannot spell the name of a different game.

- We need the full name of the game unless otherwise stated. This includes the word “the”. No extra words are allowed on the end of game names.

- No acronyms allowed, you must type out the name of the game as your answer.

- Roman numerals/numbers are interchangeable, numbers can be spelled out

- Editing your answer after the fact automatically disqualifies it.

- No messaging answers to other players.

- The chat is slowed down, so you can only enter one guess every 30 seconds.


- We've disabled YouTube chat for the stream, so folks in later rounds can't look there for answers.

- The game codes for Switch and PlayStation are US-only, but we also have region-free codes for PC and Xbox.


- YouTube, Patreon, and Discord are not a sponsor of this contest. YouTube, Patreon, and Discord are released from any liability related to this contest.

- No personal data from competitors will be used by MinnMax Media LLC

- Here’s a link to YouTube’s community guidelines - https://www.youtube.com/howyoutubeworks/policies/community-guidelines/


Trivia Tower - The Grand Round (With Mike Minotti)

MinnMax's Ben Hanson is joined by Mike Minotti from Giant Bomb and GamesBeat for a huge new episode of Trivia Tower where we're giving away $1,000 to the last person standing in game trivia! The competition is happening on Tuesday, September 19th at 6pm Central. Compete by supporting MinnMax at any tier on Patreon and jumping in the Discord! https://www.patreon.com/minnmax Trivia Tower Rules and Conditions - If you get an answer correct, you move up a floor of the Trivia Tower. If you answer correctly on the 5th floor, you win the game. - One typo allowed per answer including spaces, not counting punctuation. A typo is a missing character, an extra character, or a character in the wrong place. Your one typo cannot spell the name of a different game. - We need the full name of the game unless otherwise stated. This includes the word “the”. No extra words are allowed on the end of game names. - No acronyms allowed, you must type out the name of the game as your answer. - Roman numerals/numbers are interchangeable, numbers can be spelled out - Editing your answer after the fact automatically disqualifies it. - No messaging answers to other players. - The chat is slowed down, so you can only enter one guess every 30 seconds. ------- - We've disabled YouTube chat for the stream, so folks in later rounds can't look there for answers. - The game codes for Switch and PlayStation are US-only, but we also have region-free codes for PC and Xbox. ------- - YouTube, Patreon, and Discord are not a sponsor of this contest. YouTube, Patreon, and Discord are released from any liability related to this contest. - No personal data from competitors will be used by MinnMax Media LLC Become a Game Champion by supporting MinnMax at the $50 tier on Patreon and lock in the game of your choice! https://www.patreon.com/minnmax One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 - Joshua Ayers Earth Defence Force 4.1 - Shadow of New Despair - RabidLime Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Malcolm Holliday Snatcher - Patrick Polk SubSpace - Pretty Good Printing King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - RobBobWill Ghost of Tsushima - ProcyonNumber6 RuneScape - Zezima Superman 64 - Zachary Pligge Alpha Protocol - Clemens Zobel Luck Be A Landlord - TrampolineTales


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