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Welcome back to MinnMax's three-part game club discussion on Capcom's remake of Resident Evil 4! In this discussion, Ben Hanson, Jeff Marchiafava, Kyle Hilliard, and Sarah Podzorski dive in deep and discuss chapters 7-11 of the game, which mainly consists of The Castle. They don't spoil anything beyond Chapter 11. They talk about Salazar's new look, how Luis is different from the original, those damn catapults on the castle battlements, stealthing around Garradors, and the new boss fight with Krauser. As always, this format exists because of your support and we cannot thank you enough!

You can watch and share the video version of The Deepest Dive here - https://youtu.be/wMhirse-U5M

Get ready to submit your thoughts on the rest of the game on Patreon next week... 

4/9 - Part 3: Chapters 12-The End

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Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon - Luciano Comassetto

Tokyo Jungle - Michael Berry

80 Days - DarkFishDays

Half-Life: Alyx - Maniac

No One Lives Forever - Jot

Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix - The Sleepy Mailman

Garfield Kart: Furious Racing - RabidLime

Sly 2: Band of Thieves - ProcyonNumber6

Placid Plastic Duck Simulator - RabidLime

Superman 64 - Zachary Pligge

Snowboard Kids 2 - Ted Ryser

Pajama Sam: No Need To Hide When It’s Dark Outside - Starkiller

Demon Slayer: The Hinokami Chronicles - Joshua Ayers

Luck be a Landlord - TrampolineTales

Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble - Tokyo Game Life

Paper Mario - Clemens Zobel

Ico - Studio Hoiho

Dragon Age Origins - Logan Krause

The Simpsons: Hit & Run - Jawarhello

Cap'n Crunch's Crunchling Adventure - Prettygoodprinting.com



So I upgraded to the 5 dollar tier because I was screaming at my monitor lol, so Ben's marketing does work. Krauser and Leon story is in Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles. Funny enough I actually replayed the game before the remake game out. Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles is a lightgun game that was released on the wii and then on the ps3 later. Its actually fucked up what happens to Krauser in the game and in a way you do feel for him in RE4. But the game is set as a prequel and when Leon talks about events like what happened in Racoon City then it change the perspective you are replay areas from RE1, RE2, and RE3 since its implied Jill told him some of the events what happened but he doesnt know the full story and he interpreted. Its a really interesting game. P.S. The rocket laucher in this game is a one hit kill on all bosses and its a one time use.


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