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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Leo Vader, Janet Garcia, and Extra Life donor CalamityNolan. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner, this week it's the vinyl soundtrack to Sonic Colors! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Games we need to play before our Game of the Year debates

- Pentiment

- Somerville

- Atari 50

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday at 1:30pm Central, with an exclusive pre and post show. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hey Ben and crew, 2022 has been a standout year for adventure games. Norco, Citizen Sleeper, Return to Monkey Island, and now Pentiment have been received very well. What oft neglected or smaller genre of game do you predict will blossom in 2023?


Hello Ben, Cohorts and special guest! How do you feel about anti spoiler culture? While having things not spoiled is nice, I think it was a bit ridiculous how much of the pre release discussion and reviews of God of War nearly all outlets felt the need to go out of thier way to say "no spoilers, I promise we won't even talk about what kind of soil Kratos walks on in the game". I feel like some people have really blown what a spoiler is out of proportion.


Aloha MinnMax peoples! Seeing The Game Award nominees, I was surprised to see Sonic Frontiers get passed up for the Music / Score category as I was listening to its soundtrack online ahead of its release and it is pretty fire. Any omissions in the nominees you'd like to give a quick shoutout for? And bonus question - Do you ever listen to a game's soundtrack before its release, either to get hyped or just out of curiosity? I find it's another fun way to preview a game's vibes. For instance, not that I wasn't already interested in playing Chicory: A Colorful Tale last year, but listening to that soundtrack instantly moved that game to the top of my most anticipated list for when it hit Switch. So so good. ^__^


Missed joke alert! During Elise's GALOT, about the guy who holds the Guinness World Record for most rock skips, when you said, "I would have guessed Neil," but you should have said, "I would have guessed Skip!"


Ahoy 1/2billionth of the planet! What’s your favourite story overheard from a veteran of the games or reporting industry?


Hey Ben and the Maxxers - It's that time of the year again. . . What is your favorite way to enjoy Thanksgiving leftovers? Also, please bring back Minnsnax. Maybe throw it on as a Patreon goal or something to vote on New Show Plus?


Which video game characters talking severed head would you like to have strapped to your belt to offer you advice and anecdotes as you went about your business?


Not a question, but last week you guys mentioned stenographers and wondered if they are good at video games. My wife is a stenographer! She is also very good at video games!!! Although oddly not good at PC controls, so maybe it's unrelated.


Extra life is a charity stream and shipping is costly for a small outlet. Would the community be open to paying for the shipping of their auction wins? Probably no y not all winners but I bet some would be happy to cover the cost. Wasn’t able to watch much this year but look forward to next!


Congrats on the great extra life stream. Do you watch any other charity streams for fun or to get ideas? I know most outlets have done something for extra life this month and currently desert bus for hope is going on.


Hi Everyone, Who ya got for the Best Game Soundtrack Grammy? My bet is Guardians of the Galaxy


If Leo vader could spend 10 minutes talking non-stop about the Freelancer mode technical test in Hitman 3 I would be so happy.