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We're sharing some of our favorite E3 stories on this episode of the podcast, but we need your questions to help fuel the conversation! Submit a specific question about E3 for us to talk about, like "what was the best food at the convention center" or "who was the most surreal celebrity encounter". You'll still be in the running for question of the week!

This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kelsey Lewin, Joe Juba, and Leo Vader. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Our favorite E3 memories

- Sniper Elite 5

- Roller Champions

- Multiversus

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hi everyone. What in your opinion was the best game with the worst e3 presentation? Thanks.


We all love to hear about the amazing experiences you've had during E3 and other gaming events, but what about the worst experiences you have ever had? People always think you guys are living the dream (which you are) but it isn't always fun I imagine. Treat this as a form of (free) therapy. Keep up the good work all, love the content you guys put out. Take care!


Hi all. What game trophy are you proudest of achieving? It doesn't have to be Platinum or anything, simply the one you felt the most gratification in seeing pop up on screen. For reference mine was Bolt from the Blue in Bioshock Infinite (5 head shots from sky lines) Keep up all the amazing good work.


What's the weirdest - or just like unusual - reason you couldn't get into a game? I should like Dragon Quest XI because I love turn based JRPGs, but the music in sounds terrible in my opinion. Especially the combat music, which you hear all the time.


Howdy everyone! With "E3" season approaching, my question for you is this: How do you like the announcements that E3 normally has to be offered? Do you prefer all the announcements to be made over the course of a week at a known time every year, or do you prefer how things were handled in 2020 when E3 was first cancelled where all the major studios had their own announcements sporadically dispersed throughout the whole summer? I, personally, prefer the former.


Can you think of any developers who had as good of a generation as From Software on the PS4? Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, and Elden Ring is an absolute banger of a lineup

Owen S

Do any of you have what it takes to be a Roller Champion?


Can we all talk about Cold Winter for a second? I feel like this extremely violent PS2 FPS is often overlooked. It had a great campaign and fun multiplayer.


Hey gang! Have any of you witnessed "a fart in church" moment at E3? Like something completely embarrassing or cringey? It doesn't need to be from an actual press conference. Thanks and have a great day!


Hey yall! Have you ever seen a game reveal at E3 or other event that made you think "omg this game was made specifically for ME"? I definitely felt this with the spider-man ps4 announcement.


Hey minnmax!! I recently met one of my favourite skateboarders of all time(daewon song) and he ended up being much more humble than i could have ever imagined, which surprised me for some reason. i can’t help but think it’s the old phrase “don’t meet your idols” echoing in the back of my mind. come to think of it, most everyone i look up to who i’ve had the pleasure of meeting has exceeded my expectations. you don’t have to name any names, but what was a “meeting your idols moment” that surprised you, good or bad?


In public, what’s your policy on baby interaction??? (Baby being defined here as a 5-10 month old.) Children that age have a tendency to stare (often when the parents are looking elsewhere) and I’m a sucker for those fat little chibi humans. Do you make faces? Wave? Smile? Or the ultimate baby-flex. . . Peek-a-boo. I’ve been caught numerous times playfully making faces at other peoples babies and my response is always the same: “THEY started it. Tell your kid to stop picking face-fights with me.” So when it comes to babies , what are YOUR rules of engagement? Love always, Dayron from Fort Lauderdale, Fl