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As you might know, if you support MinnMax at the $50 tier you become a Game Champion and can choose any game under the sun. Last month we kicked off The Game Championship, which took every game chosen by our $50 supporters and pitted them against each other in a series of Twitter polls. After a brutal and close battle amongst dozens and dozens of options, the last game standing was Persona 5 Royal. Its Champion is a Patreon supporter named Thomas Bourne, so we reached out to them and talked through some options for the best way to celebrate the game. We recruited Persona 5 superfans/MinnMax Contributors Joe Juba, Kelsey Lewin, and Ana Diaz to join Thomas as they all break down their three favorite things about Persona 5 Royal in this bonus podcast. Thanks to Thomas for joining us in the discussion!

If you enjoy this type of content, feel free to join the $50 Game Champion tier if only for one month and choose a game. We hope to create a special piece of content with you in the future!

You can watch and share the video version here - https://youtu.be/vNOkIAmuTQU

Follow us on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/minnmaxshow

Subscribe to our YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/minnmax

Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/minnmax

Buy MinnMax merch here - https://minnmax.com/merch

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Go behind the scenes on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/minnmaxshow

Become a Game Champion by supporting MinnMax at the $50 tier on Patreon and lock in the game of your choice! https://www.patreon.com/minnmax

SDailey - Fallout 4

Mattmini2008 - NASCAR 06: Total Team Control

Jawarhello - Crash Bash

MisterNomer - Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker

Drew Waranis - Space Harrier

ClemensZobel - Jade Empire

BeatenDownBrian - Dirt Rally 2.0

Fred - Tetris 99

Jesse Spencer - Ni No Kuni

ProcyonNumber6 - Sly 2: Band of Thieves!

DominicCichocki - Life is Strange 2

Andres Silva - Dark Cloud

Patrick Polk - Super Puzzle Fighter II X For Matching Service

Spider_Dan - Illusion of Gaia

Brett Hunter - Super Mario 64

Zachary Pligge - Superman 64



Love it so much


It will be the best game when it launches on anything other than PS4.